Attention 9thGraders ~ you are all invited to our Final Exam Snack & Study Session hosted by our Knight Mentors! The event will be held on Monday, May 18 from 2:30–5pm in the Commons. Come have a snack, relax, and socialize for about 30 minutes followed by 2 hours getting help studying and preparing for final exams that will follow the next three days. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Johnson at stephanie.johnson@fhsdschools. Below are the flyers in the online backpack:
College Fairs: NACA College Fair-*Automated Fair Bring labels with Student Information: Straight A Cardinal tickets are here! If you earned a 3.5 or better gpa first semester, please come to see Mrs. Jarvis in the main office before or after school to pick up your tickets. You will need a student I.d. or picture i.d. to pick up your tickets. Thank you. 5/21 Jarvis Beginning yesterday, FHN will have two hall monitors in the building. Mr. Jesse Stewart and Mr. Jeremy Opfer, who have experience working in the building as a substitute teachers, will be in the hallways throughout the school day assisting in the orderly operation of the school. This includes asking students for passes when students are in the hallways, reporting students who are in the hallways without permission, and communicating with school staff.
The hall monitors will be wearing school identification, so students and parents can recognize them by reading their identification. I think you will find them to be very helpful.
I look forward to a very successful academic month of May as we work toward our current final day of school for students on Thursday, May 21. Please let me know if you have any questions. 5/21 Downs
Credit Recovery:
May 14th – Second semester (session two) classes Please review your student’s grades at the end of 4th quarter to see if you need to add a 2nd semester class to the summer school registration. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. 5/14 Woodrum FHSD To Host Golf Tournament July 20 The Francis Howell School District (FHSD) Golf Tournament, sponsored by the FHSD Alumni Association, will be held Monday, July 20, 2015, at Old Hickory Golf Club in St. Peters. The tournament is designed to bring together District alumni, local businesses, and the FHSD community for a morning of fun. The event will benefit the FHSD Special Olympics and the FHSD Alumni Association. Click here for more information. 5/15 Henry
Students of the week |
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen students of the week for the week of May 4: Senior-Jacob Pardo Senior-Andy Hickerson Senior-Sarah Rutherford Senior-Sydney Vanourney |
Congratulations |
ANNOUNCEMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Straight A Cardinal tickets are here! If you earned a 3.5 or better gpa first semester, please come to see Mrs. Jarvis in the main office before or after school to pick up your tickets. You will need a student I.d. or picture i.d. to pick up your tickets. Thank you. 5/21 Jarvis FINAL EXAMS are May 19th (1st, 2nd, and 7th hours), May 20th (3rd and 4th hours), and May 21st (5th and 6th hours). School will dismiss at the regular time on May 19th, and at 11:25 on May 20th and May 21st. Students are not allowed to take exams earlier than the dates and times listed above. If your student is absent on any of these dates, please call the Attendance office at 851-5893 on the date of the absence. Student must also bring a written note when they return or when they take their final exam to excuse the absence. Students must arrive to class on time. Students will not be allowed to enter class late. Any late arrivals will be required to take their exam on the exam make-up days. Additionally, during final exams, we will not be able to call into classrooms or interrupt classes in any way. Any passes for early dismissal must be taken care of before the start of school with a note from a parent. Students may only leave at the end of class period. Students will not be able to leave at any time during a class hour. Students will only be called to the office in-between classes to pick up messages or anything else that may be dropped off by parents.
Make-up final exams will be held on Wednesday, May 20th from 2:30-5:30 pm and Friday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 26th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Make up exams are held in room 218. Students may attend any of the make-up sessions – no appointment is necessary. Students must bring a photo ID with them in order to take their final exam. Students should bring at least TWO number two lead pencils or any other items that may be required for completion of exams.
Students will report to their homerooms on half-day final exam days on Wednesday, May 20th and Thursday, May 21st. The first exam of the day begins at 8:20 AM. Buses will be running on their regular schedule on both of these half-day exam days. On May 20th and 21st, students may come to school at the regular time (7:20 AM) or may choose to arrive by the beginning of the first exam session at 8:20 AM. No parent note is required for any student who chooses to arrive to school by 8:20 AM. Students will not be allowed to visit other homerooms/intervention areas unless they have an appropriate pass.
However, students who arrive late to class once exams begin will not be allowed to take the exam. Late students will need to take the exam they missed during the makeup exam schedule. 5/21 Birch The senior class will have a panoramic picture taken on May 15thwhen they have graduation practice. Forms to order this picture are available in the main office and with Mrs. Lorraine Smith. 5/15 Smith
The celebration was originally established for Francis Howell North, however we are thrilled to announce that for 2015 the event will be expanded to include all of the FHSD high schools.
The 2015 service will be held:
Friday Evening, May 29th 7:00 PM First Baptist Church of Harvester 4075 Highway 94 South St. Charles, Missouri
Graduation is a meaningful time in the lives of these students and their families. The Baccalaureate service is a joyous celebration in a Christian setting. All FHSD staff and families are invited to be with us. Joint instrumental and choral ensembles from the high schools and members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will participate.
Please save the date and help us spread the word. You have educated, loved, supported and encouraged these students through your labor over the years. You have gone home in the evening at times exhilarated and at times wondering if it’s all worth it. You have planted seeds that will bear fruit in wonderful ways that today we cannot begin to imagine. We would be honored to have you with us as we join the families in giving thanks for these graduates and for all they mean to us as we entrust their lives and futures to the Lord.
Sincerely, Ted House FHSD Parent 5/29 Seniors from the graduating class of 2015: you may pick up your year books during schedule pick for the 2015-2016 registration times. The times are posted on the left hand side of this eNews. 7/31 (Downs)
JUNIOR PARENTS!!! Before long we’ll have graduating seniors too! Help raise funds for their All-Knighter Celebration by running the annual FHN Craft Fair! It’s scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015! There are step-by-step, written instructions on the work to be done, and always lots of helpers. We just need someone to lead the way. Please contact Sharon atfhnallknightercraftfair@gmail.
Available BEFORE School Available AFTER School SPANISH TUTORING SCHEDULE for 2014 – 2015 school year
AP Micro/MacroTutoring Hours
Micro: Thursday, May 7th
Micro/Macro: Tuesday, May 12th
AP Macro Exam is Thursday, May 14th AP Micro Exam is Friday, May 15th |
Activities & Clubs
Activities for the week of May 4
The FHN EVENTS CALENDAR is located at . Anime Club: Next and FINAL meeting is THURSDAY, May 7 in room 201 from2:30 until 4pm. To sign up for Remind for text alerts about Anime Club, text @e9ec41 to 573-535-5528. 5/7 Freeman FOOD TRUCK FRENZY-May 7 from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm. FHN merchandise will be available for purchse. Get your Knight Pride Gear and come enjoy some sporting events as well: Tennis & Volleyball. Sponsored by the FHN Althletic Boosters Club on the FHN parking lot rain or shine. Venders will be: Sarah’s Cake Stop, Slice of the Hill, Hardee’s, Chris’s Smokehouse, Kona Ice, and YO! Salsa. Come on out and support FHN! 5/7 Janes Thinking about joining marching band? FHN Knightpride Bands invites all students and parents that are interested in learning more about our band programs to attend our Ice Breaker on Saturday May 9th from 11 am–1 pm. It will be held at FHN in the band room. We will discuss plans for our upcoming marching band season as well as the other band classes and opportunities that are available. This event is for any students new to the FHN band program. Students will meet and spend time with our current high school band students, and parents can have questions answered by the members of our booster organization. A picnic style lunch will be served after the informational meeting. For any questions, please contact Lorie Busby or 636-448-8959. Click here for the flyer. 5/9 Moorman Congratulations to our 2015 Senior Award winners. These student-athletes have excelled in the classroom and on the “field.” They will be recognized at our Senior Awards Knight on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium. 5/13 Janes
2015 Senior Awards Scholar/Athlete US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Andrew Meyer & Brenda Alvarado Mike Dunn Scholarship MSHSAA Sportsmanship Award Sean Pirrone & Sierra Teuscher US Marine Scholar/Athlete Risa Takenaka *Boy’s interested in Swimming and Diving next Fall, should pick up a packet in room 112. 5/15 Kelly ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7th, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU! You purchase the Super Clean car wash. Auto Spa will Give $4 to our fundraiser. Use code 1005
Auto Spa Speedy Wash 7860 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO
2601 Old Muegge Rd. • St. Charles, MO
6678 Mexico Rd. • St. Peters, MO Share with #AutoSpaSpeedy Not Combinable with other offers. 5/29 Hahn
FHN Family – Have you gotten some unexpected money or are you lucky enough to have a few extra dollars in your budget? Are you looking to do something ‘good’ with it? Please consider a donation to the All-Knighter. Every donation will help towards getting one more student that would not be able to attend into this alcohol free celebration of the 2015 FHN class. Please put your donation(cash or check) in an envelope, mark it as All-Knighter Scholarship Fund and drop to the front office or the snack table. You don’t have to be a senior family to donate, you only need to be willing to help. -5/21 Schulze
ATTENTION PARENTS!!!! A parent or group of parents is needed to take over the All-Knighter Craft Fair, scheduled for Nov. 7, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for the All-Knighter, and it NEEDS YOU!
FHN’s craft fair has a great reputation among craft vendors and shoppers alike. It was a big success last fall. The fair holds 135 vendors and nearly 100 have already committed to return!! It just needs a coordinator(s). Last year’s co-chair has an unavoidable schedule conflict, but is willing to help along the way. Please come forward and help. Please call/text Sharon @ 636-575-0179. If you are not receiving emails about All-Knighter activities, please send an email to FHNAllKnighter2015@gmail. |