Powderpuff Participation Hits a Low

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By Claire Boenitz

From the first day of school, Tuesday, Aug. 11, to Thursday, Aug. 27, Powderpuff sign-up forms were given out to any junior or senior girl who wishes to play in the annual Powderpuff game, which falls on Wednesday, Sept. 16 this year.

“It seems like Powderpuff is coming up really fast this year, so we didn’t really have as much time to advertise,” senior Kaitlyn Crocker, a team leader of Knights of Excellence said. “I figured more seniors would want to attend because we won last year.”

Last year, Powderpuff attendance stood strong at about 200 seniors and 150 juniors, according to Crocker. This year, only 90 seniors and 75 juniors are signed up. KOE advertised Powderpuff sign ups through announcements, flyers at schedule pickup and throughout the school, Twitter reminders, and word of mouth, yet still ended up having to extend the due date for forms an extra day to encourage attendance.

“I think since we started school a week late this year, we had one less week to get word out to everybody,” KOE sponsor Lindsey Scheller said. “It’s been like a huge scramble. But the extra day ended up making a big difference.”

Powderpuff is easily KOE’s largest annual fundraiser, and money from both Powderpuff order forms and game attendance help KOE pay for the KOE picnic at the end of each year. Decreased attendance could have an impact on what type of food is given at the picnic, what games will be offered, and whether or not inflatables can be afforded. On the positive side, with fewer girls playing in the game, each girl is likely to get more playing time on the field.

“It’s bad because it’s the biggest fundraiser of the year,” junior Lydia Harms said. “But I think it could impact the juniors’ success because the coaches can teach the girls the game more individually, which could help against the seniors who have experience.”