The Life of an Administrative Assistant at FHN

We always see them, but what exactly do they do?

By Karis Skaggs

The Administrative Assistants, also known as Office Secretaries, are seen by students daily at FHN, but what exactly do they do? What they do cannot be easily pinpointed because they each have numerous tasks.

“You are busy from the time you get into work, which I get in at 6:30, until three o’clock, I mean you’re constantly doing something,” Administrative Assistant Marilyn Jarvis said. “It’s a busy position; it makes your day go fast because it’s so busy.”

Making sure that all substitutes have shown up, answering phone calls, disciplinary actions, organizing the calendar, making announcements, monitoring security cameras and managing lockers are just some of the responsibilities shouldered by Administrative Assistants. Other faculty members are appreciative of the work they do. FACS teacher Marissa Cohen explained that they do all of the behind the scenes work and keep the school together; she said that they are amazing. They work hard each day, getting to school before students and staying after they are all gone.

“The students are great, they are so much fun to be around,” Jarvis said. “Their personalities are fantastic, and the staff here is amazing. Each and every one of our administers are-top notch. I mean they are great to work with.”

Both Jarvis and Administrative Assistant RaeAnn Noah similarly described their day as being busy from start to finish. On a daily basis, they deal with students and faculty members, and a huge number of emails which often disrupt them. With individual responsibilities, each face different difficulties, but both of them said that working with the teenagers is their favorite part of their job.

“I love the kids,” Noah said. “I enjoy getting to know them, getting to be a part of their life just a little bit, and then when they come back and they visit you. You get to see them grow up and mature, and what neat people they turn into.”