Kama Struckhoff

By Maddie Mitchell

How are you planning to celebrate Christmas this year?

“This year, I’m celebrating Christmas with my family at my grandpa’s house.”

What is something your family does as a Christmas tradition every year?

“Every year, our tradition is that we go down to my grandpa’s house, eat raviolis and open presents. My mom and I always make Christmas cookies together to give to the family, and also every year me and my brothers do secret Santa together.”

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

“My favorite Christmas memory was when we used to go to my aunt and uncle’s house, and my brothers and cousins and I would run around outside in their barn, and my uncle would take us on tractor rides.”

What is the best part about Christmas?

“The best part about Christmas time is that it brings the whole family together, and the food is also good.”