How to Stump Trump
Credit to a katz /
Donald Trump speaks to supporters on the campaign trail. (
Published: December 17, 2015
What is a parasite? A parasite is an organism that lives off of its host, thriving off of the nutrients it steals while hurting the innkeeper immensely. Not only is this true in the animal kingdom, but these same circumstances have been taking place in the Republican presidential field, with one man thriving off of the nonstop media coverage, no matter how dim witted he and his comments seem to be. If it was anyone else that was saying the things that he was saying, their campaign would be ended in a heartbeat.
But somehow, some way, this parasite is leading the huge pack of Republicans that are vying for the presidency. In the debate on Tuesday night, Donald Trump was attacked by just about everyone on the stage. Even Jeb Bush got in on the action. Most of Trump’s arguments didn’t make any sense at all, yet he’s somehow leading the pack. There is an answer to Mr. Trump’s plea to “Make America Great Again,” but as people with common sense can promise you, it’s not the way he wants to go about it.
Trump is, essentially, a fascist. Fascism is the right wing form of government that was lead by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy during World War II. Trump has been a bigoted fascist, like those listed before, saying that a ban of Muslims entering the U.S. is necessary preserve national security. Does the First Amendment not matter, Donald?
The truth in this election season is quite clear, we don’t need a fascist like Donald Trump in office. There are quite obviously some major problems that need to be addressed and fixed, but Trump isn’t the man for the job. But how is it, then, that we “Make America Great Again?” The solution, like many in the fields of politics and journalism have already stated, is that Trump drop out of the race. This obviously won’t happen over night, so how are we to do the seemingly impossible? How do we stump Trump?
These are questions that have seemingly escaped the minds of those in the media and the political field. However, there is quite a simple answer to the questions stated above.
The answer to this question is the same as the answer of how to kill a parasite, or really any living organism for that matter. As the parasite feeds off of the the nutrients that it’s victim takes in, the parasite simply dies when the nutrients that it needs are cut off. This is the same as the Trump campaign. Like any campaign, it will die without the vital ‘nutrients’ provided by the media, the campaign will simply die off, as it has with the campaigns of most of the Republican candidates and Martin O’Malley of the Democratic Party. Trump feeds off of the media attention, cut this off, and Trump simply will have nothing to do. Stop the nonstop coverage of his boneheaded statements, they’re seemingly his campaign strategy, as they get all of the media attention. Stop feeding the parasite, the parasite dies. It’s simple as that.
This article is a call to all of the mainstream news media, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, whoever it may be, to stop feeding the parasite. The mainstream media is simply covering Trump for the ratings, to feed their own parasitic goals of having the best and highest ratings and not informing the public on the serious candidates with actual plans to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Whether or not someone agrees with these candidates, is completely up to the individual, but at least give media attention to the candidates that have given more than just one plan. The time has come to stop feeding the parasite, to give the attention to those who have a vision of what they’re going to do.