Keeping the Dream Team Alive

By Shelby Hance

The “Dream Team” is what they call themselves, seniors Emily Floyd, Samm Heupel, and Jennifer Byman never thought swimming would have such a huge impact on their lives. They have been swimming together since freshman year and their passion for the sport continues to grow today, but what they gained the most from the experience the past four years, is their friendship.

“Swimming together is really fun. My friends and I call ourselves the “Dream Team”. It is all the seniors that have been on the team since freshman year,” said Samm Heupel.

Some girls on the swim team come and go but these girls started swimming freshman year and have never stopped. They also never thought that they would have created such a bond, a friendship, and such great memories with each other.

“I think one of my favorite memories would be going to IHOP together. It is always a good time and we have been doing it since freshman year so it is a tradition now,” said Emily Floyd.

All three girls had a huge impact on the team from the start of their freshman year to the end of their senior year. They pushed each other to do better, motivate each other during competitions, helped their teammates whenever they needed a hand, and mentor new swimmers each year.

“I would recommend getting in the pool and swimming a couple of months before the season, whether it is learning to swim, or to get in shape to make the season a little bit easier,” said Samm Heupel to the next year freshmen coming in as the Class of 2020 interested in joining swim.