Madagascar Orphanage Benefits from FHN Art Club

By Kylie Moser

On March 2, FHN’s Art Club will be hosting a hat day. On this day, students are encouraged to bring in at least $1 to wear a hat. The students will be allowed to wear the hat all day at school with no punishment for doing so.

Art Club hosts one hat day every year for the purpose of funding The Memory Project. The Memory Project is a project done by the art club every year where members of the club are each given a portrait of an orphan and they then recreate the portrait with some kind of artistic medium. To do this, costs $15 a portrait. This year, the club spent $210 which was paid for by Student Council, however the Art Club sponsor, Michael Leistner would rather pay them back than just take the money.

“Student Council has always given us the money and I feel bad asking Student Council to give us the money,” Leistner said. “So what I do is, I tell them that we will repay you so we have a hat day to raise money to repay Student Council.”

Any money donated over the necessary $210 is sent to the orphanage in Madagascar.

“Any money that we get that’s in addition to what we owe student council we send to the orphanage,” Leistner said. “Last year we sent about $2000 to an orphanage in India. It’s all going to a good cause.”

During first hour, art club members will come around to collect the money. While $1 is all that is required in order to wear a hat, larger donations are welcome. According to many students, it feels nice to help a good cause such as this one.

“I’m happy to help and donate because the orphans in Madagascar don’t have everything we have,” Chaunte Cruz, a member of Art Club said. “It helps them get back the things they need.”