Parents Conference with Teachers as Spring Break Approaches
Published: March 15, 2016
Every semester, the school holds parent teacher conferences as a way for the parents to see what goes on in their child’s education better. This is a chance for the parents to get a better idea of what the class is like because they get to meet the teachers and vice versa.
“I like parent teacher conferences because it’s a good way for the parents of the younger students to meet their teachers and see what they are like,” senior Megan Horner said.
Fall conferences are held in the main gym, where each teach gets a desk and there are two chairs across from them. This is a lot different from spring conferences because they are around so many other people whereas in the spring they are held in each teacher’s individual room so there is less going on and things are more one on one.
“I think that student teacher conferences are really beneficial,” said English teacher Lindsay Scheller. “Parents can keep up with us over the internet all they want using our websites, but it’s nice to talk on a eye to eye level with parents.”
Because of the way spring break falls this year, teachers can talk about how the individual student’s third quarter went and what fourth quarter looks like for them. Parent teacher conferences will be held this year on both Mar. 15. and 17. Parents can expect to walk around the school and get a feel for how things work in the classroom.
“I think it helps out students and their parents because the parents can find out how the students are doing and the students can reflect on that and learn from it,” said junior Dan Kuhn. “Plus the parents can be proud of how their kids are doing.”