FHN Baseball Team Receives Renovated Fields as Season Begins
The new cement bleachers are ready just in time for the start of the boys baseball season. The team, consisting of 15-18 players, will utilize all the new equipment like the batting cages. (Photo by Katie Worsham)
Published: March 16, 2016
Just before the beginning of this school year, some students noticed that there was big construction underway near the baseball fields. The well-needed additions included nets, fences, batting cages and seating. The coaches planned the renovations and the construction took months. They were finished just in time for the baseball season.
“There had been no improvements to the fields in the past 30 years,” assistant varsity baseball coach Mike Freedline said. “We got the money the district gave to us to do improvements on it, so we got some batting cages, the stadium seating and more.”
Some of the additions include new cement bleachers on the hill by the field. This will prevent families and students from having to sit on the hill or bring their own chairs to every game. Measures were also taken to improve the field itself. The new batting cages are enclosed and have turf in them. They also have a combination lock to keep anyone besides students from using them. The combination is only given out to players, so they can come in whenever they want to practice.
“Our fields were definitely in bad shape,” senior Jordan Throgmorton said. “The outfield flooded a lot, and most of our fences either were rusted or had holes in them. The worst thing would probably either be the flooding or just the random holes and bumps in the field.”
The upcoming season will be very different for the baseball team. They will have better equipment, and more opportunities to practice and improve their skills. Senior Jake Viehman believes they have a good team coming out and hopes they will improve off of last year.
“We got a good team coming out,” senior Jake Viehman said. “Hopefully, we can be more successful than last season, maybe even in districts.”