Batman v Superman Review
Published: April 20, 2016

Batman v Superman is arguably one of the most anticipated movies of the year for superhero lovers. Especially if you’re a fan of DC. This movie features Ben Affleck, as Batman, taking onHenry Cavill, as Superman in an epic battle of good vs good. We open up to right after superman takes down General Zod, where the superman movies left off. Basically, Metropolis is in fear because of the last battle Superman was in. While lots of citizens still see him a hero, but there is a growing number of people who consider the alien from Krypton a threat to humanity. Bruce Wayne feels like Superman is too powerful to be left unsupervised and might be a danger to the people he is trying to protect. So he suits up to take down Superman.
As a Batman fan, you can already guess who I want to win, but I was more excited to see how this would all play out. Superman is kinda the Man of Steel, but his weakness is a rock that his people kinda drop everywhere. But Bruce Wayne, a mortal human, will be taking on an alien, so at first it seems like anyone’s game. My first problem with this movie is the fact that DC is trying so hard to shove so much information into one movie. In part of the movie, we see cameos of Aquaman, the Flash, and Wonderwoman. DC wants a Justice League so bad, they are just putting seemingly random characters and information into the movie. Another thing I disliked about the movie was Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s relationship. They didn’t act like they were in loved. There was no relationship growth or character build up between them. DC kind of just slapped the relationship together to make more time for all the other information they wanted to stuff into the relationship. Regardless of these issues, I did think the movie was decent. In my opinion, fight scenes in DC are easy to predict. What was so good about this movie is that I was on the edge of my seat. I caught myself wondering who was really going to win. I mean, both parties got some good hits on the other hero. My favorite part of the entire movie was, oddly, Jesse Eisenberg playing Lex Luthor. When I heard he would play the villain in this movie, I got a bit scared. Although he’s a great actor, villains aren’t Eisenberg’s typical character. Actually, I was very surprised on how well he did. In my opinion, he was the best actor in the movie. His character was very convincing and portrayed well. Eisenberg really stepped up to the plate and blew me away. I hope he continues to go for more creepy, villainous characters. I would love to see him play more characters like this. Overall, the movie could have been better, but I could have been a lot worse. I do hope that in the future, DC works to slow itself down. They shouldn’t cram so much information into one movie to make another one in the future.
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