Public Speaking Advice

By Erin Levins

Take a deep breath. I promise it’s okay. Quit fidgeting, hide the sweat stains, straighten up and simply stop caring. That’s all it takes. You’re probably thinking there’s more than that, but there isn’t.

Public speaking is essentially an act of confidence. Whether you have it or not, you can make it work. If you don’t have confidence and you’re expected to commit the treacherous act of public speaking, don’t fret.

Begin with knowing exactly what you’re going to be talking about. Be able to memorize what you’re going to say with only minimal glances at your notes. Dress appropriately for your event. If it calls for business casual or black tie, fulfill those expectations. Whether it would be a PowerPoint presentation in your English class or your graduation farewell speech, appearance is key. Lastly, please just stop caring.

Stop caring about what your peers will think. Chances are, they will soon be in the position you are in, or admire you for standing up and speaking, Don’t worry about what your teachers or other adults think. They’re only there to help if need be. Be open to criticism so you can improve. Ultimately, stop putting yourself down. You’ve got this.

Don’t let your mind control the outcome of your public speaking, which leads to the most important point. Be confident! Even if you don’t have confidence, fake it! Look into the eyes of your audience and proudly project your words onto them. Speak like you’re an expert on your subject and even throw some smiles in there! Don’t be scared to move around and to change your tone of voice, no one likes a flat stanley. Stand tall and get excited. Whether you have a small group or an arena of people, they’re all listening to what you have to say and that’s pretty cool.