Students Travel to Silex to Bring Them Closer to God

By Bryce Fletcher, Editor-in-Chief, Excalibur Yearbook

While most students spend their summer binge-watching Netflix, spending time at the lake or maybe just sleeping all day, students from Francis Howell North decided to make a difference in the name of God over the summer, attending a mission trip over the summer.

The students spent seven days in Silex, Mo. on the Seedbearers Mission Trip. Seedbearers is sponsored by St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. The youth group at St. Elizabeth travels down to Silex to “bear good seeds”, by fixing up houses for those who need help.

“It’s really special,” senior Emily Henry said. “We were able to help people in need, and bring ourselves closer to God. The whole experience was life changing.”

Not only did the students involve themselves in fixing the houses, they also participated in activities each night. According to senior Rebecca Purcell, the activities purpose was to allow the students to come closer together, and closer to God.

“Every day we woke up had breakfast and went to our sites,” senior Rebecca Purcell said. “At about 3 p.m. everyday we went to the high school, showered and then we went to mass. Then we ate dinner and we did different activities each night.”

The activities included dodgeball, movies, bonfires and a talent show. The activities changed each night. On Friday, the students’ families visited them down in Silex to see the work they had done, and also to participate in activities.

“Having my family there was great,” senior Dan Borrelli said. “The whole week was amazing already, but there’s something that makes it even more special when your family is there. Sharing my faith with my family was something truly spectacular.”

When the week ended, the students packed up their belongings and ventured back to the church. With, according to Henry, a new found love for God and their faith.

“It was eye-opening,” Henry said. “My favorite part was meeting the homeowners and helping them, and growing closer to the people there and to God.”