The second annual wrestling lock-in will be held on Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in the wrestling room and the lower level of the school. The lock-in is mainly for building trust with the teammates, team bonding, getting to know each other better and having fun.
“I’m looking forward to the lock-in because last year it was so much fun destroying everyone [teammates and coaches] in the video games and basketball,” sophomore Nathan Tatum said.
At 7 p.m., everyone starts showing up with their own mattresses, gaming systems and food. Then, after everyone is there, the teams go into the small gym and play basketball or kickball for about two hours.
“The best part about the lock-in is that it is it brings everyone closer together and we start becoming more like a family,” sophomore Zeke Ellis said.
The teams get the whole lower level of the school to themselves. Last year, the teams played hide and seek and watched the movie Gladiator.This year, they are planning on watching Vision Quest. They also have competitions in rugby, basketball and dodgeball. As wrestlers, they must be very competitive in order to compete with others.
“The lock-in creates a bond with my teammates,” sophomore Dillon Lauer said. “The bonds that are formed help when we are facing the opponent because the boys are cheering me on [which] gives me confidence.”
The teams stay up till three Saturday morning then go to sleep. At eight, the teams wake up then all go over to Coach Brown’s house for a homemade breakfast. It is also called “The Last Supper.”
“We call it ‘The Last Supper’ as a symbol of us not being able to have any more big meals until wrestling season is over because we have to eat small portions of food to be able to stay in our weight class,” said sophomore Thadeus Meneses.