The Fangirl Life: Tony Stank and Other Stan Lee Cameos
Credit to Brayton Larson
Published: March 7, 2017
There’s something special about the cameos Stan Lee has, keeping the fans searching throughout the movie for it. And they’re always funny. Here are my five favorite Stan Lee cameos.
This is by far my favorite Stan Lee cameo in the MCU. It was aired in Captain America: Civil War. Maybe the reason I love this one the most is that it’s comedic relief at the end of an emotional plot. Perhaps it’s that it is Stan Lee mispronouncing “Stark.”
This one is different because Doctor Strange was different from the other Marvel superheroes. They’re running from Kaecilius and his followers. Everything around them is moving as they’re trying to escape, so it shouldn’t be surprising that they run into something. Then crash into a bus window where Stan Lee sits reading.
You get a glimpse of who the driver is but not their face. So, it’s kinda surprising that it’s Stan Lee that’s driving the truck to attempt to move Mjolnir. The best part is when Stan Lee sticks his head out the window to ask if it worked.
Seeing Stan Lee as a humble postman is completely different from what has become the norm for his cameos. We usually see him in different roles such as a normal civilian. This cameo is special to me in that this one one of the movies to get me into the MCU.
Stan Lee’s appearance here as none other than a librarian is funny for two reasons. The first is that we hear what’s playing in his headphones instead of the action of the fight going on just behind him. Second, he nearly gets hit twice during the time he’s present during the fight. Even without saying a word, this scene makes me laugh.
For a look at other Stan Lee cameos, check out the video below.