Sophomore Brendan Gannon Begins Term as Student Council President

By Ashlynn Perez

Students may recognize the name Brendan Gannon, and they may recall that he was recently elected as the President of Student Council. As of May 2, when the StuCo induction took place, Gannon took over the office of StuCo President from senior Jamie Sneed.

“I plan to make sure North has a better environment and all the events go well,” Gannon said.

The responsibilities of a Student Council President include overseeing the cabinet and officers, running the community effectively and being in charge of communication.

“I’m planning to put up more decorations,” Gannon said. “I want more fun activities for the school and I want to get more involved with other organizations.”

Gannon is also involved with National Honor Society and Knight Sound, and he dances outside of school. He likes to listen to music and watch movies. For the end of this year and next year, being the head of Student Council will be added to the list.

“He’s going to be great,” Student Council sponsor Shelly Parks said. “He’s been around since he was a freshman. His older siblings were involved in Student Council. He’s mature and he has good leadership skills, so it’s going to be really good for the whole school.”