Varsity Jumpers Marissa Hunt and Tyler Tolliver Talk Jumping and Team’s Season
Credit to Josie Santel
Howell North varsity jumper Marissa Hunt attempts to leave a mark in the sand in a 4/12 meet at PWC.
Published: May 15, 2018
The varsity jumping team consists of only two athletes this year: senior Marissa Hunt and junior Tyler Tolliver. Hunt has been on the team for the past three years, while this is Tolliver’s first year on the team. Tolliver transferred to North from McClure High School at the beginning of the second semester. He competed on McClure’s varsity team last year as well.
Why did you start jumping in the first place?
Hunt- Because it was something different, I’ve only done something like basketball, soccer, and softball. It was just something different than what I usually do.
Tolliver- I have always been playing basketball and the jumping coach saw that I could dunk, so he brought me over to jump.
What makes you keep coming back?
Hunt- Mostly the people and the uniqueness of my favorite event: the triple jump. It’s just all very entertaining.
Tolliver- Jumping is very fun. Jumping into the sand is just very exciting and thrilling.
What lessons have you learned from jumping?
Hunt- To keep pushing myself and to never say I can’t do it when I know I can.
Tolliver- I learned not to get rattled by a bad jump. My coach always told me that it takes only one jump to win. If you mess up the first jump, you still have three chances.
What is your favorite part of jumping?
Hunt- I like falling in the sand. It’s a great moment when you finish your jump and, good or bad, it’s great knowing it’s done.
Tolliver- Falling, I enjoy wiping out even if it isn’t good.
How did you do this season?
Hunt- It could have been a lot better. With being hurt and not taking care of my body as I had expected has been holding me back.
Tolliver- I believe I’ve done well. I was the conference champion in the triple jump this year, so I’d say it was pretty good.
How have you improved since last year?
Hunt- One thing I’ve done this year is that I’ve kept a constant of jumping 32 or more at meets. Which that’s a good thing, and I feel excited about it.
Tolliver- Certainly, I feel that I’ve really improved this year. When I first hit the 40’ mark you’re almost guaranteed a medal.
What is your regimen for staying on top of your game?
Hunt- I heat my hamstrings before practice because that’s what hurts the most. I also do dynamics before practice.
Tolliver- Before I jump, I do a jazz hands kind of thing. In my head it makes me feel like I jump further and better.
What are you like in practice versus at competition?
Hunt- I’m so much more serious at a meet. At practice, I listen to music, sing, and dance, but at meets, I’m focused on what I need to do.
Tolliver- I’m dead serious at meets. At conference, I was really serious while everyone around me was joking around. I’m very serious about this, and I show it at the meets.
What would you say to someone considering jumping next season?
Hunt- Definitely do it. It’s something that’s different and painful, but when you see that mark in the sand it’s all worth it.
Tolliver- Jumping is amazing, plus it gets you out of running.