“Workplace Appreciation Club” Aims for Approval
Credit to Connor Peper
The “Workplace Appreciation Club” is new to FHN this school year. Still pending approval from the Activities Office, the club aims to connect students in their love of “The Office.”
Published: September 21, 2018
Junior Hari Patel stands holding the constitution to a brand new club. A testament to his efforts. A passion project of his and his friends. A club dedicated to the hit NBC comedy The Office.
“The Workplace Appreciation Club,” or “The Office Club,” is the collective brainchild of Juniors Dalton Wood, Zane Balleydier and Patel, with the planned club sponsor being English teacher Kristen Johnson.
“All three of us like The Office,” Patel said. “So we just wanted to chill out together and watch it.”
The club came into existence unofficially as a joke in August during a precalculus class the group shared.
“In math class, we miraculously came up with the idea,” Balleydier said. “First it was a joke, but it became a real thing.”
The club isn’t a “real thing” in the eyes of the school. The “Workplace Appreciation Club” still needs to gather a few more signatures before Activities Director Michael Janes will approve their constitution. That hasn’t stopped club members from already planning activities.
“We’re going to do other stuff than watch The Office,” Balleydier said. “We’re not 100 percent sure right now. We’d like to write out and act out skits as the characters.”
Johnson, a fan of The Office herself, has said she’ll be the club sponsor if and when it gains approval.
“I agreed, because the students seemed very enthusiastic,” Johnson said. “I probably need to watch it [The Office] more.”
Those wishing to join will have to contact one of the founding members since the club doesn’t have set meeting dates.
“We haven’t decided dates yet,” Patel said. “It really depends on everyones schedules.”