Students Attend JournalismSTL Conference
Credit to Jordyn Kiel
Journalism students attend JournalismSTL at Saint Louis University.
Published: October 25, 2018
On Oct. 23, students had the opportunity of going to the JournalismSTL conference at Saint Louis University. The conference started at 8 a.m and ended close to 2 p.m. The conference consisted of a keynote, delivered by Chris Canipe, and three hourly sessions for the students to attend, lunch was provided at the end of the day.
“I loved the way it was organized,” sophomore Grace Harding said. “It made me feel independent and like I was a college student.”
Students had a number of sessions to choose from each hour. Some of the sessions offered were editorial leadership, revolution and communication, and high school journalism to college and career journalism. Each session had a different speaker.
“It was so much fun,” Harding said. “I learned so much from people who do journalism every day.”
The conference is held every year in St. Louis. Students have the opportunity of going every year. Advisers from different schools also attend to go to meetings and sessions.
“The conference made me want to do better on my own projects,” Harding said. “It was so much fun. I will definitely be going next year.”