Mentors to Host Cocoa and Cram on Dec. 18

By Justin Christensen, North Star Reporter

Need that last minute studying? Do you like hot chocolate? Cocoa and Cram could help you. Cocoa and Cram will be hosted by the mentors on Tuesday, Dec. 18, the day before the first, second and seventh hour finals. Mentors will have hot chocolate available and they can help with tutoring. All students are welcome at this event.

“I think it’s a great way to get the last minute preparation students need,” junior Grace Sickendick said. “Cocoa and Cram just adds a little fun into the studying.”

Cocoa and Cram was originally an event for freshman to get help studying for their first final exams. This year, for the first time, they have opened the event to all students willing to get help on finals. This is expected to increase the amount of students attending Cocoa and Cram as students from the other three grades can attend.

I hope they keep offering Cocoa and Cram every year,” sophomore Wesley Harden said.

While Cocoa and Cram seems appealing to many students, some students have some questions. Why did the mentors only have one Cocoa and Cram session? Why is it the day before our first finals? Many students would prefer if there were multiple days of Cocoa and Cram to help better prepare for their final exams.

“Even though it’s a day before finals, and that there’s only one day of Cocoa and Cram, I feel it really benefited me when I had to take my finals,” Harden said.