Following the Paths to Teaching

Credit to Riley Witherbee

In Pathways to Teaching, students begin to learn the ins and outs of education, this course prepares students for a future in education.

By Riley Witherbee, Photographer

Students pose as a class for a picture before they split up for their internships. In this class, Pathways to Teaching, students get to experience the ins and outs of teaching. While the first semester involves learning how to interact, create lessons and more; the second semester is where the students get the opportunity to intern in a classroom and get hands-on experience with teaching.

“I have always wanted to be a teacher, but I want to be 100 percent sure it is what I want to do,” senior Essence Green said. “Getting this experience is helping me decide if teaching is the route I want to go.”

Students spend the first semester preparing and learning, so then by the second semester, they are ready to take the opportunity to be an intern at local schools in the district. Every day, except for Wednesday, students leave after their fifth hour to head to their internship at their respective schools.

“I go to Barnwell Middle School and work in the FACS class with Jennifer Bryant,” junior Abby Johnson said. “I help the students with sewing projects, cooking, clean-up and extra things Mrs. Bryant needs help with.”

The students in Pathways to Teaching highly recommend this class, because they get opportunities to get hands-on experience that other schools do not have. According to students who have enrolled, students who have an interest in teaching or want to see the behind the scenes of teaching should enroll in this class.

“This class has really provided me with the information I need for classes in college to follow my teaching dream,” Johnson said.