Boys Volleyball with High Hopes for Season After Strong Showing at Jamboree

Credit to Josie Santel

The Knights look to tip the ball over the net in a March 27 match with Fort Zumwalt East.

By Claire Huss, North Star Reporter

On March 9th, the boys’ volleyball team kicked off their season with a jamboree, where they scrimmaged against CBC, PWN and Duchesne. The team won five out of their six sets.

“We communicate a lot more this year,” senior Noe Bustos said. “We have a really strong front line which gives us a really good advantage. We have Thomas Beye and John Garaletts who are good hitters. Avery Ward is a very good setter which helps Beye and Garrelts get the kills.”

The team is hopeful they can beat some strong teams they haven’t beaten in the past. They have an 11 year losing streak against Desmet which they hope to break this year.

“It is hard to tell what our competition is going to be this year,” Bustos said. “We have competed against a lot of good teams so it is difficult to see.”

With no graduating seniors from last year, the team has about all of the same players from last year. This gives them an advantage because they know their strengths and weaknesses as a team.

“Our overall attitude has changed this season compared from last season,” Bustos said. “We are a lot more focused and we know how far we want to go.”

The team hopes to go far this year. They believe they have stepped up their game from last year.

“We hope to make it to the final four this year,” Bustos said. “State is obviously our main goal but making it to the final four would be a big accomplishment for us too.”