FHN Hosts Assembly About Safe Driving
Published: March 28, 2019
Juniors and seniors will attend an assembly centered around safe driving motor vehicles on March 28. The assembly will take place throughout first hour. It will start at 7:20 a.m. and let out at 8:12 a.m. School Resource Officer Travis Scherder put together the assembly with Dean of Students Stephen Moorman. There will be two programs speaking at the assembly one is MoDot and the other is called “Save a Life Tour.”
“I want everyone to be safe,” Scherder said. “I think having these conversations is really important because there are so many distractions while driving.“
During the first portion of the assembly, they will speak about being under the influence while driving, having a cell phone out while driving, being tired while driving and how students can be a defensive driver. After first hour ends, every student will be dismissed to second hour, and the second portion of the assembly will begin.
“I feel like the assembly will bring an awareness to something that is very important,” senior Nataya Johnson said. “Being distracted while driving is an issue that happens, and I feel like when students are on the road, we should always be alert.“
For the rest of the day, juniors will go down with their English classes for an interactive assembly lead by the “Save a Life Tour.” They will have a driving simulator set up and each student will be offered the chance to go through it and see how well they can drive while being distracted.
“I think that this assembly will raise awareness as to how dangerous it can be to get behind the wheel of car under the influence or distracted,” senior Maddi Sparks said. “Hopefully it will teach people to make responsible decisions while they’re driving.”