The Role the FHN Administration Team Plays in the School Community

Credit to Hunter Turpin

The FHN administration team consists of eight people. All with different responsibilities, but equally important.

By Hunter Turpin, Videographer

“Everyday is a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get,” Assistant Principal, Dr. Christopher Birch said with a laugh as he described his day as an administrator. “There’s not really any such thing as a routine day.”

Here at FHN, there are seven administrators. All with different responsibilities, but all equally as important in the school.

“I think it’s good to have the teachers to oversee their classes and then the administration to oversee that and provide extra support,” Associate Principal, Dr. Kathryn Greer said. “We are all here for a common purpose, but a division of power is needed.”

Greer has been an administrator at FHN for five years, after being a P.E. teacher at FHHS and then working up the ladder as a Dean and Assistant Principal here following her job as a teacher.

“I work with the Special Education and Communication Arts departments, and I oversee professional learning communities, AP courses, and building professional development,” Greer said.

The Associate Principal is the position below Head Principal. Dr. Nathan Hostetler is the Head Principal and often considered the ‘face’ of the school. He oversees the building and works with the other administration members. He also deals with school budget and building reports. This year, Hostetler has proposed multiple new and innovative policies to improve the school.

There are three Assistant Principals: Birch, Jeffrey Blankenship and Dr. Erin Steep. They all supervise departments of the school and are the primary principal for a set group of students. Birch is in his sixth year as an Assistant Principal in the building, and along with general tasks of an Assistant Principal, he manages technical and transportation organization in the school.

“My role is to support students with the last names S-Z, support all building technology and I supervise the World Language and Science departments as well as our nurses,” Birch said. “I am also the building testing coordinator, so I oversee EOC and ACT testing for our building. In addition, I handle any parking or bus issues and maintain any data reports needed for the building. Finally, I support the behavior arm of our school improvement plan. It’s busy, but it’s a good busy.”

Steep has been an Assistant Principal for five years and previously was the Dean of the school. She is the administrator for teachers and students as well as working heavily in the communication end of the school.

“I work with students, teachers in the Social Studies, IT, Performing Arts, and FACS departments,” Steep said. “I set up a lot of our parent engagement activities, do a lot of the communication with parents and community, and monitor staff, student and parent climate.”

Blankenship also worked up from a Dean five-years-ago to an Assistant Principal. He is involved in all Assistant Principal responsibilities, but also organizes and supervises the inventory branch of the school.

“I supervise a large number of students and oversee their academic and behavioral success,” Blankenship said. “I also supervise about 20 staff members as well.  This involves evaluating each of them throughout the year. Finally, as an AP, I also have additional responsibilities. Some of these include overseeing the furniture and equipment inventory for the building, tracking the textbook distribution and turn-in procedures, and creating the school improvement goals around attendance.”

The remaining administrators are Mike Janes and Stephen Moorman. Janes is the activities director of the building, he oversees all extra-curricular groups such as clubs, sports and organizations. As his primary role, Moorman deals with discipline issues within the school, as well as exemptions, AIP, parent-teacher conferences and textbook inventory as the Dean of Students.

“My number one role is support, and I’m sure the other administrators would agree,” Birch said. “Helping students and fellow employees in the school is my priority.”