Mr. FHN to Return on April 17
Credit to Rachel Kehoe
Mr. FHN contestants lineup before their opening dance number, crossing their arms and bowing their heads. The Mr. FHN contestants danced to a mashup of songs that included “It`s Raining Men,” “Hips Don`t Lie,” “Juju On the Beat” and others. Mr. FHN is an annual fundraiser event for the students at FHN. Contestants raised money to their said charity, and then performed on April 21 in the auditorium, tickets were $5 at the door.
Published: April 16, 2019
On April 17 StuCo will be hosting its annual Mr. FHN in the auditorium at 7 p.m. to raise money for an organization of each contestant’s choice.
“Mr. FHN is a male beauty pageant and we’ve been having it here at North for probably over 10 years now,” Jani Wilkens, StuCo Sponsor, said. “It’s meant to give boys a chance to raise a lot of money for charity and then they compete in a show and they compete in the different talents like you would in a Miss America Pageant so we do athletic wear, formal wear, they have a question and answer segment and then we have like a formal dress up and then a talent.”
Any male student can participate in the show that is interested. Mr. FHN has been growing in popularity over the years, and the school has been able to raise a lot of money from it to help others.
“We’ve had people raise money for things that are close to their family or friends, like things people have been affected by, whether it’s certain types of cancer or learning disabilities or even like really local things like there’s the Nahed Chapman School the New American school in St. Louis which is a school for refugees.” Wilkens said.
Mr. FHN helps build community by supporting those around us. Last year Mr. FHN raised over $10,000, and they’re hoping to raise even more this year. They try to have a humorous evening with family and friends in order to raise those funds.
“I like entertaining people so it’s a lot of fun putting on a show and having the talent and the dance can just be goofy,” Mr. FHN participant and senior Corey Valleroy said. “I find that very entertaining, I also love raising money for charity and seeing it change lives.”
The show brings people together, by helping those in need. Anyone can and is welcome to watch and donate.