FHN Performing Arts Departments Collaborate in “The Addams Family”

By Natalie Newport, Excalibur Reporter

In FHN’s recent drama production, The Addams Family, the Performing Arts departments collaborated to make the musical great. The show took place on April 4-6 and 12-13. Many choir students had singing roles in the show, out of the 25 students in the show, 16 are in choir.

“When all of the Performing Arts within our building have the opportunity to collaborate together, it’s really really excellent for our students, our community here at FHN, as well as the community outside of our building,” Choir Director Jennifer Crane said.

Crane explains that it’s good when students with different talents come together to improve the experience for everyone.

“I think it’s excellent when people who specialize in different areas and how degrees pertaining to their specific area of expertise can work with their own students and the other students and departments to combine and collaborate to create a better end product,” Crane said. “It’s a better educational experience for everybody.”

Sophomore Zoë Meier, who played Alice Beineke in the show, is passionate about choir and drama, and has a role in the show singing and acting. She believes that students who watch the musical can learn the importance of Performing Arts.

“It’s good for choir and drama to work together, because drama doesn’t really do musicals that often, so when they do it’s really good for our kids to understand how musicals get together, why music is so important, how to follow a band and everything else,” Meier said.