Sophomores Faith Todd and Kyle Button Start Running FCA This Year
Published: September 27, 2019
This year, sophomores Faith Todd and Kyle Button will be taking on the leadership roles of the club Fellow Christian Athletes. The two of them have spent time over the summer and time recently planning out how they want to run the club this year. They are planning on having meetings in the morning before school and after school on Thursdays where they will play games, have devotions and be open about their faith.
“Last year we had huddles in the mornings, but this year we’re going to change that and have them in the mornings and evenings,” Todd said.
Todd and Button have been a part of FCA for a year but this is their first year leading and it helps that they’re doing it together. Button says that he is comfortable with leading and likes being in control and using his abilities to help others. However, Todd does not think she is usually the type to take on the role of leadership like this but she was up for the task when she found that Button would be helping her run the club.
“I’m not a very open person,” Todd said.“You have to get to know me before I’m comfortable around you. So leading wouldn’t usually be my stance, but since it was God’s calling, I felt like it was something I needed to do.”
Todd and Button are both extremely excited to be able to help and watch other Christians grow in their faith and build new friendships through the club. They will do this through playing games, sharing feelings in discussion and eating treats such as Poptarts every meeting. But overall, the leaders’ main goal is to make a positive impact on Francis Howell North and show God’s love.
“This year I hope to change someone’s life and lead them on the right path in their faith,” Todd said.