Tips and Tricks for Asking Someone to Homecoming

(Photo submitted) Jack Freeman asks Sofia Jansen to homecoming. Freeman is pleased by Jansens reaction.

By Eva Kaminski

For some in high school, homecoming is a big deal. Especially if they have that special someone they’ve just been dying to go with. There are tons of super creative ways of to ask someone to homecoming, and some not so creative ones. Read below for some tips and tricks on how you can successfully ask someone to be your homecoming date. 


3 Ways to ask someone to homecoming:

  1. Purchase a poster board, available at more craft stores, and come up with a creative phrase to put on it. An example would be “It would be pretty sweet if you went to homecoming with me.” You can add your own twist to this by making the phrase specific to the person you are asking. Or, by giving them something to accompany what you wrote on the poster board. For example, candy or flowers
  2. Make a scavenger hunt. This idea is better if the person you’re asking is more on the shy side, and wouldn’t want the proposal to be super public. You could start at their house, and lead them to a nice spot at the end where they find you asking them to homecoming. Try getting friends and family involved to assist with clues, and keep it simple. 
  3. If they play a sport involving a ball or other equipment, use it to your advantage. For example, if they were to play volleyball, you could purchase a volleyball and write a cheesy phrase on it like, “I’d dig it if you went to homecoming with me.” Some variation of this can work for almost any sport. 

Here are some more fun ideas from Seventeen magazine. If you’re still looking for more, use this video or this website


3 Ways to NOT ask someone to homecoming: 

  1. Whatever you do, don’t ask them over a text message. This implies to the person that you are either too scared or too lazy to ask them in person.
  2. Try not to not ask them in person if you have nothing to show or give them. Some people may not know how to react, so having something to look at or hold on to can make the situation less awkward. 
  3. If the person you want to ask is shy, do not ask them in a public way. Your proposal should be specific to who you are and who your potential date is. If either of you get nervous when lots of attention is drawn to you, asking in a private setting may be a better idea than a very public one.