Students Share Their Thoughts on PSAT Testing

By Alise Simon

How some sophomores and juniors prepared and their feelings before and after taking the PSAT test.


The PSAT. Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. From an article by Educational Advocates, PSAT Score ranges vary between 320- 1520, with 160-170 points for reading and writing, and 160 -760  for math. At FHN, it was taken by sophomores and juniors wanting early practice for the SAT and ACT.

This certain test is a little different than a math, english or science test that students are normally graded on and where their grade is affected by the outcome. 

“I didn’t really study, but I am in an ACT prep class which I think helped me on the PSAT,”  junior Natalie Newport said.


 “In all honesty, I didn’t really study that much,” sophomore Rebecca Ortwerth said. 

“I did not study for long, maybe about 30 mintues the day before,” sophomore Chloe Averbeck said. 

“Not going to harm me in any way,” Averbeck said. 

The three girls all did not study for hours on end for the test. It was more of an “opened”, optional practice exam in comparison to the graded and scored, ACT/SAT. Getting familiar with the layout and rules is recommended for taking the ACT/SAT in the future. 

Listening and following the guidelines for the PSAT is followed and treated as the actual exam. 

“We had to bring #2 pencils, a graphing calculator, batteries it needed, photo ID/driving licenses,” Orthwerth said. “You can bring your backpacks but you would have to put it up against the gym wall”. 

Even though this was just the practice test for some, it still had to be treated as an exam and all distractions and items that could be used to find or share answers were eliminated, and not allowed.  

There is the other side of the guidelines that prohibits what was not allowed in the large gym testing area. 

“We couldn’t bring smart watches, phones, or food.” Averbeck said. 

The large gym was filled with long narrow tables that sat one student per table. The  students could not bring outside food into the gym. Around fifth hour, all of the testing students had their lunch in the last lunch period. 

Succeeding and trying their best was key for the girls.

“My sister took the PSAT the year prior.” Averbeck said. “I just wanted to be as good as her”. 

Averbecks’s sister took the PSAT last year and she helped Averbeck prepare by telling her what to watch out for.

“ My goal for the test was to get a 1250” Newport said. 

Wanting to achieve such a high number, does not come from just doing nothing and never working and learning concepts that can be used on the ACT/SAT. Newport is also enrolled in a few AP classes including AP Language Composition and AP Government . 

“For me, [AP classes are] very stressful but I took them to have that college credit opportunity, ” Newport said. 

By Newport working and trying her best now, it could greatly impact and benefit her and her schooling in the near future. Like mentioned before, for one of her hours she takes an ACT  prep class, that prepares the students by going over problems from the ACT book given to them, doing worksheets and solving problems that are somewhat similar to the test or that could help them on the test. 

“ Being honest, I really wanted to see how smart I was by taking the PSAT,” Ortwerth said. 

Ortwerth is a busy person from playing softball for the school, and in the classroom taking AP stat, Pre AP english, and Honors Algebra 2. Her dad found out  about how students could take the test through an email. Her dad wanted Ortwerth to just try the test and to also help prepare for next year. Orthwerth was nervous before and after the exam. She was hoping that she had done well for her dad, and also for herself to just show how much  she knows at the moment and what can work on for more understanding. 

They looked over notes, workbooks, talking to relatives or people who took it before. Then arriving at school, feeling a little nervous,  getting last minute studying in.To checking in with photo ID, to getting to the single-seated table, and finally starting the about 5 hour test, is what the girls and some over students went through on that day. Even though it may not affect and mess with any of their grades .They still wanted to have that experience and knowledge and the feeling of taking the highly graded test that can play a role of what colleges they would like to go to and who would accept them or more.