English Teacher Dawn Jones is Working to Become a Librarian

Credit to Sarah Williams

By Sydney Ellison

Books have always been a part of her life. They make her laugh, make her cry, make her happy. That love for books is part of the reason Dawn Jones became an English teacher. Now that admiration for books has helped to dream up another goal: to become a librarian.

“Books hold power and words hold power and I love that as much as I love technology and I think it’s important, I don’t want us to ever forget about books,” Jones said.

Jones has been an English teacher for 17 years and has loved the job. She currently teaches English for juniors and seniors. She felt the call to become a librarian, also known as a media specialist, around three years ago and has been working toward her goal ever since. Jones passed the certification test two years ago and since then has been getting hours shadowing other librarians.

“I love discussing books with students and finding books that they enjoy so I’m really just getting more hours for myself to feel more prepared,” Jones said.

According to Jones, everyone has been supportive of her goal and to some it’s no surprise. Her fellow English teacher, Kristen Johnson, was the first person at FHN who Jones told about her goal.

“She is seriously one of the hardest workers I know,” Johnson said. “I’m not just saying that. Like I said, she just sets a goal and she will pretty much stop at nothing to achieve it. I feel like she’s got that whole resilience and grit factor going that you just can’t deny how much hard work she puts into the things that she does.”

Jones has experienced some difficulties along the way that have prevented her from becoming a librarian. She went through a personal family issue last year and has been focused on her children and family since then. She credits her connection to her faith on how she got past this trying time. Now she feels like she is in a good place and she readily awaits the future.

“I want to be a librarian, I am really trusting God’s timing,” Jones said. “I really believe that I’m going to land right where I’m supposed to.”

Not rushing to end her career as an English teacher, Jones will start applying for jobs in spring 2020. She hopes to stay within the district to be a school librarian but is open to anything.

“I feel like I’m going to get the best of everything I love as an English teacher without necessarily the daily tasks in the classroom,” Jones said. “[Also] being able to put my energy into technology and books and students and teachers.”