The Prom Fashion Show is Heading Our Way

Credit to Riley Witherbee

Prom Fashion Show 2019

By Sydney Ellison, Newspaper Editor

The prom fashion show is taking place on Mar. 4 at 7 p.m. The show is about an hour long. The event will be held in FHN’s auditorium and it will showcase the many places to buy dresses and suits plus the variety of styles available.  

 “I’m part of class officers/delegates so were the ones organizing it so I figured I might as well be a part of something I’m organizing and it’s something that I thought would be cool to do,” junior and model Olivia Neunaber said.

Tickets can be bought before the show through FACS teacher Marissa Heyer and the models in the fashion show or the night of the show, both for $5. All the money goes towards funding for prom to provide food, decorations and much more. There are two MC’s for the night, who will announce the models and lead the event. The students will walkout with their fashion on and strike a pose in front of the audience.

“It gives an idea of what kind of dresses are available and like what’s the style, it gives the businesses a chance to get their stuff out there,” MC and senior Amelia Primeau said. 

Students in the fashion show get assigned a store to get their dress from and the store lends it to them. Primeau advises to go because it’s a fun night and a way to learn what different clothes are available.

“I think it will be a really cool fun event and also it will help you decide what you want to wear for prom,” Neunaber said.