The Loneliness Epidemic: How Teenagers Face Loneliness in Everyday Life
Credit to Andrew Poertner and Sophie Stachula
Published: April 1, 2021
1) What is Loneliness?
All humans require social interaction to stay healthy. Social isolation isn’t always a bad thing but when it stops someone from getting the help they need it can be very harmful. Many teens today are combating loneliness and the COVID-19 virus is not helping people get assistance when they need it the most. Many teens struggling with issues like depression isolate themselves from other people and don’t reach out for help. This can actually worsen issues like depression if they can’t fix the problem.
2) Effects of Loneliness
The effects of loneliness is what makes it so dangerous for adolescents. Young brains thrive off of social interactions and restricting it can cause many problems. Most people who aren’t very socially active are usually more stressed than others who spend plenty of time with friends and family. Chronic loneliness can have many effects such as increased stress, dependence of alcohol or drugs, higher levels of depression or anxiety, a sense of hopelessness and a greater risk of suicide. These effects could be very difficult for an adolescent to deal with on their own.
3) How to Combat Loneliness
With COVID-19 going on currently, teens may find it more difficult to socialize and be around their friends.
It also makes it more difficult for adolescents currently struggling with loneliness to get help from professionals. Talking to people is very important when it comes to having a healthy mindset. Even though many places are currently closed, it’s still possible to receive help from a therapist online. Getting help from a medical professional can help people suffering from loneliness by encouraging a more social behavior which can relieve stress and help ease the pain of loneliness.
4) How to Get Help
The effects of loneliness cannot always be treated on its own. Many symptoms of loneliness can be painful and difficult to deal with but they can also be treated by a medical professional. Anyone dealing with the side effects of loneliness should contact a therapist to receive the help they need. Almost everyone deals with loneliness sometime in their life and it can occur during major changes in life such as the death of a loved one or prolonged social isolation. It’s important for anyone dealing with chronic loneliness to seek help from a medical professional.