Sophomore Sarah Moutray Plans to Pursue a Career in Medicine

Credit to Amber Winkler

By Amber Winkler

 She grew up listening to the amazing things her mom did at work each and every day and began to appreciate all that she was doing. Sophomore Sarah Moutray realized she wanted to do something with her life, make a difference, help others and this was going to be how.

“You can help people out and it’s not just like helping people but you’re doing something with your life,” Moutray said. “It’s something that you can work towards and put all that effort towards, and I like that.”

Moutray plans to take after her mother and go into the medical field, but she isn’t exactly going to do the same thing. Her mother was an oncology nurse before retiring, but Moutray has a different plan, she is going to be a surgeon.

“I think [going into the medical field] is really cool because you really don’t meet a lot of people who want to do that, and I think she could definitely do it if she really put her mind to it,” sophomore Lauren Holzwarth said.

Moutray is trying to learn as much as possible before she gets to college. At home, Moutray spends a part of her time reading her mom’s old textbooks and taking notes, learning as much as she can. In school, she takes all honors classes and is in Human Body Systems, better known as HBS, taught by Dawn Hahn. According to Hahn, in this class, Moutray lights up and excels. She is outgoing, active and always ready to learn the next thing. She takes on leadership roles when they do projects and is a great teammate.

“I was not surprised with her choice because it sounds like Sarah, it sounds like her personality and it sounds like her drive and her motivation. So, like I said, I’m happy for her,” Hahn said.

Some people laugh when they hear about her plans for the future because they all think it’s going to be way too much work for Moutray, but she doesn’t care. She only pays attention to her friends, the people who support her and believe in her. Many of her friends want to go into the medical field as well and they all try to find ways to help and support each other the best they can. Hahn was very happy when she found out about Moutray’s dream and hopes what she learns in her class can help Moutray in the future.

“It’s just super exciting that she’s decided that she wants to do something in the medical field. I’m super excited for her, I really admire a lot of stuff about her,” Hahn said. “I mean, I’m happy and it’s one of those things that I wish her all the best, and I can’t wait to see what she does, her future’s bright. I can’t wait to see what happens down the road for her.”