Students Should Have A Job

By Abagail Keathley

Being able to juggle multiple responsibilities at a time is an important part of being a productive member of society. Taking on these responsibilities now is beneficial for teens, because in their adult lives, they might be put in a position where they need to balance multiple tasks. Learning to deal with this now will better prepare them to efficiently handle being overcome with work.

Having a job in high school is good for preparing students to be self-sufficient. Instead of relying on parents to provide money, teens begin to spend their own money that they earned through their own hard work. It is an opportunity to learn about managing money, and may cause them to start thinking about how they can spend their money wisely because they worked for it rather than just had it handed to them.

Although the skills learned at these minimum wage jobs may not be useful in whatever career the student chooses to pursue, it will teach them to work with others, which is something that is needed for almost every job. It is also possible to make lasting friendships wherever they choose to work.

“I get money,” senior Haidyn Stewart said. “I’m able to start saving for college, even though I’m only working one day a week.”