Advice to the Freshman Class to Have a Successful Year

Published: August 23, 2021
You’re starting your freshman year here at FHN and you’re probably wondering how you make your next four years feel like home. Here is some advice that you should consider during your first year here.
You’ve probably heard this many times before but always try to stay out of drama, it only makes things more stressful on top of school work and all that.
The school’s food actually isn’t bad at all. So don’t be afraid to get food there. We also get Papa Johns Mondays and Thursdays.
In terms of finding your classes, use the numbers on the walls they help a ton. If you find that they do not help, the teachers here are so helpful. (Plus tardy’s are excused for the first week of school so that’s helpful too).
Try to be as organized as possible. If that means finding a binder that can hold all your classwork and keep them separated then do that.
You do not have to, but it’s very beneficial to be involved in something in school. It can be dance or a sport or even a club.
You were given a voice for a reason, so if you feel something is not right or you just simply need help, use that voice.
You want to work really hard this year on your grades, then once you reach sophomore year you can kind of start to relax a little.
Don’t however, try to stress yourself too hard, it can take a toll on your mental health.
Pay attention to credits when you are registering for classes, this could give you a chance to leave school earlier your senior year if you get all of the necessary credits you need.
These are just a few things you should consider, have a great Freshman year.