FHN Boys Basketball is Looking to Improve Their Record From Last Season

Credit to Om Nair
Senior and Varsity boys basketball player Trenton Oglesby regroups mid game vs SCW.
Published: December 15, 2021
Francis Howell North Boys varsity basketball is in full action this season as the Knights look to improve their record from last season, a season plagued by COVID-19 protocols and other varying factors. This year, the program is led by the seniors including Marshall Swope and Trenton Oglesby. Coach Mark Wright is in his third year as head coach and is very pleased with the team chemistry.
“I’ve noticed this year the chemistry between this team is unmatched, even in the offseason we had the seniors being great leaders,” Wright said.
The seniors on the varsity team all played varsity last season and want to continue to improve in their last season at Francis Howell North. Not only do these seniors lead the varsity team, but they also serve as leaders for the whole program.
“Our seniors, even at tryouts, we’re always pushing us and making us better players,” sophomore Nick Donato said. “They make a big difference in our high school careers now and moving forward.”