Homework While Beneficial Needs Improvement [Opinion]

Credit to Justin Brewer

In the publications classroom, Junior Chloe Ellison lays down stressed on a pile of homework. Ellison has a lot of homework which causes a great amount of stress.

 The best part of me getting home from school is unzipping my backpack and pulling out the math homework for the night,” said no student ever. 

For many kids getting home is a chance to decompress and relax after a day of learning, and the thought of the homework they have to complete is daunting. From test scores to preparing for future careers, homework can be beneficial. However, the benefits of homework are only seen when given appropriately, which following most literature, FHN does not currently do.  

Homework can improve students’ test scores. Duke University found that for middle and high school students, those who did their homework regularly earned better grades on their tests than the students who did not. This logic follows from the fact that you would have more exposure to the material that your teacher created and what you are tested on. Classes at FHN are no different. The teachers write the tests. By using their materials to prepare for the tests you can ensure your success. 

Homework likewise can improve preparation for future careers. Most future careers will require you to perform under pressure and using time management skills. Study habits that you form through homework will positively impact your ability to do so in any career you go into. Take for example paperwork you must fill out. Homework helps set you up for the focus and attention ability to sit down and do so for hours at a time. 

However, all of these benefits stem from the right amount of homework being given out. Most experts agree that it’s 10 minutes per grade level. This would mean that for freshmen it would be 90 minutes of homework, sophomores 100 minutes of homework, and so on. But oftentimes in AP or Honors classes, individual teachers themselves have assigned 90 minutes of homework to complete on any given night. When assigning homework, teachers need to give a greater emphasis on succinct assignments that allow for targeted practice. 

Further overworking of students actually has an opposite effect. Overdoing homework can lead to a reduction in sleep. Test scores and number of hours of sleep are directly related, with less sleep students score worse on tests. The same thing happens with career performance. Homework can lead to mental health issues related to stress in certain classes. This would tend to lead to worse performance in and outside of schools. With lesser homework and homework that is more specific, FHN students could retain more material and be better prepared for the future, however, as it stands, that isn’t happening.