Ian Pierce Records a School Podcast Called Noble Knights

Credit to Sam Hebisen

Junior Ian Pierce talks about his podcast in the recording studio at school. Pierce started his podcast Nov. of 2020.

At FHN, everyone is creative in their own way. Some sell things and make small businesses at a young age, others offer services, and others get a little more into and make youtube videos or podcasts and share to anyone and everyone who is willing to listen. That is exactly what Junior Ian Pierce is doing. 

“I come up with a topic and then I go home, write my script and edit it, as well try to make them longer,” Pierce said. “Sometimes it is a very long process and other times it’s very quick”.

Pierce posts a schedule of about once a month, announcing on social media when he posts new podcasts. Recently he has taken a break but is getting back into it. Pierce has had multiple people on the podcast. Sometimes it is friends, and other times it is people that he meets and gets to know throughout their time on the podcast. Pierce has many types of people on the podcast. 

“Ian has inspired me to make my own podcast. I don’t like being restricted on what I can and can’t say with it being a school podcast,” sophomore Kevin Smith said. 

Podcasts can talk about many different topics. The creators of podcasts choose what they are truly invested in. Pierce chooses to talk about one of his passions, FHN.

“Most of [the podcasts] are 25 minutes long,” Pierce said. “If they are quick bits it’s less than five minutes”.