There Have Been Many Changes to Senior Parking in the 22-23 School Year

The new parking lot is shown with many cars parked in it before the implementation of sophomore parking.

In the process of the new school being built, we have had a few renovations to the parking lot this past summer. There is the new staff lot, a new pickup and drop-off routine, the new bus spots and the old senior parking doesn’t exist. 

“There are not the preferred spots right now, we’re continually looking at how many staff spots we have, and we’re removing stuff that we don’t need so there’s even more parking for kids,” Head Principal Jeff Fletcher said.

With the removal of preferred senior parking, seniors have lost some privileges. Seniors this year don’t have the guarantee of a parking spot close to the school building and they aren’t allowed to paint their parking spot, which has been a tradition throughout the years. This has led to some frustrations from the 2023 senior class.

“I feel angry because we cannot paint our parking spots,” senior Leah Heischmidt said. “Every other senior class has done it before us and they’ll probably let [future seniors] do it next year.”

Parking has been limited due to staff having to park in the big lot with students, but next year there will be separate lots for staff and students. Currently, there is no plan for what to do with senior parking this year as new ideas are being explored. There is still no plan for next year’s seniors and whether or not they will get preferred senior parking or if they will be able to paint their parking spots. There’s also the possibility of a new tradition to be started for this year’s seniors.

“That is still up in the air, we have not made a decision on whether or not that will happen,” Fletcher said.