Senior Brittany McBain’s Journey Through Cross Country

The cross country team cheers on their teammates.

Running cross country isn’t always everyone’s favorite thing to do when it comes to sports. For others, it’s something they enjoy most. It is a sport that only involves your legs and not worrying about who is the most talented. 

“I just like distance running, I think it’s calm watching the scenery when I run and is something that is really easy and good to do,” senior Brittany McBain said. 

A sport that keeps you on your feet. It helps many runners have a positive mindset as an individual. Cross country does involve being a team but also involves you being on your own. 

“Advice to the lower classmen, I always say keep running even though it’s such an understatement for such a big thing,”  McBain said. “It’s hard to run for 3 miles straight, when you stop it’s hard to start back up, not just in a race but your running life.”

As for working individually, cross country helps with achieving things that aren’t academically related. It also helps you as a person mentally and physically. 

“My biggest achievement has been getting 22 minutes at my GACs in my junior year. I felt like that really pushed me to want to achieve state for this year,” McBain said.

Not only do runners like running but they like the places they run at. Cross country runners run at different courses that have different terrain. Some places involve a lot of hills while others places don’t.

“I would say Forest Park is my favorite place to run, I don’t go there very often but we do meet there for cross,” McBain said, “It’s just my favorite place because the scenery is really beautiful and it’s not boring when I run.”