Nolan Walters Debates his Future in Cross Country


The cross country team groups up before a big meet.

Nolan Walters, 17, Senior, runs cross country and is part of boy scouts outside of school. This school year is his fourth year of running cross country and he has loved it, but he didn’t always feel that way.

“I am scared, but also really excited to start a new chapter in my life.” Walter said.

Along with the great people Walters has run with, he has also found running as something he can do to put himself in a good headspace.

“I’m not gonna lie, at first, I definitely thought about quitting but the juniors and seniors, and overall the people around me made the experience so much more enjoyable and really kept me going.” Walters said.

Walters loves running but may not see himself running in college.

“I also found running super calming as time went along, always put me in a good mood during a stressful day, etc.” Walters said.

As much fun as Walters has had during his high school career, he has had to think about his future. In college he wants to major as a pre-vet, to eventually become a veterinarian. His favorites as far as colleges are Kansas State, Central Missouri and Northwest Missouri State.

“Overall, I am really excited for the freedom of college and having fewer classes and really just a fresh start to be as social as possible.” Walters said.