FHN Bowling Team Captain and Coach Look Forward to 2022 Season

Credit to Sadie Cotton

Senior Julius Cox prepares to throw his bowling ball down the lane on November 27th. Bowling is a sport where the individual tosses a ball down a lane to aim at targets, which are bowling pins. Bowling is both a competitive and recreational activity that many can participate in.

When people think of school sports, most people think of football, basketball, soccer or volleyball but there are sports people may not know of. One of them is bowling. This year, the team has six people and four out of them are freshmen with the other two being seniors. Most people may not know of the bowling team but senior Kael Schaefering joined last year. He joined because he got a job at a bowling alley and realized it might be fun.

“I joined bowling because I thought it would be fun but I ended up learning a lot [when I] joined the team,” team captain Schaefering said.

 The team didn’t have a captain last year and coach Aaron Mcarden wanted one this year. With Schaefering being one of the only seniors, he was chosen. Schaefering didn’t mind because he and Mcarden had a good bond having spent a year together previously. Mcarden is a 2017 North graduate and he now volunteers to help the team out and keep the team alive.

 “He is an amazing human being,” Schaefering said. “He’s an amazing guy and he’s a really good coach. He knows how to connect and teach you in a way that makes sense.”  

 The positive coaching is helpful because most of the team is freshmen and haven’t practiced long. The season has had its ups and downs but having a good coach helps get rid of the downs. The team has an optimistic future and will be spearheaded by coach Mcarden and Schaefering.