Robotics Wins First Place For The Third Competition [Photo Gallery]
Published: December 20, 2022
The Robotics Club competes in their third competition on Dec. 17, at Warrenton High School. As soon as the doors open at 7 am, North takes no hesitation to get their area set up and running for the start of their first round. Prior to the first round all robots must be put through inspection to ensure they are legal for the playing field. Both of North’s robots had no flaws and went through a perfect inspection. The primary driver for the guys team, Azeem Etisham, started off strong scoring over 80 points in the first round of the day. As the final match came into play the boys team became first in the league until an unfortunate issue with the arena caused a restart to the final round. Due to this, North stayed at second in the league but ended in first place at the event.