StuCo has Decided to Combine the Winter Sports with the Spring Sports in our Upcoming Pep Assembly

Credit to Etaf Abdallah

Senior Ryan Murdock dunks basketball durinrg pep assembly while running out with the FHN boys basketball team. Varisty and Junior Varsity sports runs out with their teammates to showcase their sport in the 2022 snowcoming pep assembly

This snowcoming season, with having complicated budgets, adding a pep assembly for the spring sports and homecoming together hasn’t been an option. Rather than having no pep assembly for some seasons, seen in past years, StuCo has come together and made the decision of joining spring sports with the winter assembly. Now both the winter sports and spring sports are represented in the pep assembly. This year’s assembly will now be at the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring season on March 10. 

“When we were looking on the calendar with all the clubs and groups, it just seemed to be a good date and it was kind of nice to include spring and winter sports this way,” co advisor for Student Council Rachel Pirrone said. 

StuCo currently has been working towards creating the pep assembly to go alongside snowcoming. Having meetings twice a week after school, their different committees all work to get things done and planned by March. Due to COVID in the past and then having a complicated scheduling after having our first pep assembly back from COVID, StuCo hasn’t had much of the opportunity to work with spring sports. 

FHN’s pep assemblies are often known for their fun mini games, their many performances, their crazy class spirit and the representation of each sports season. The teams start off the pep assembly with running into the gym and showing off what their sport has to offer and whose apart of the team can be something people look forward to finding out. 

“It was mainly our sponsor’s idea and we just really liked it, because that way we can include both winter and spring sports,” senior and StuCo president Maria Leon Aguirre said.