Arlene Kearns Named Support Staff Member of the 2022-23 School year

Credit to Stephanie Lichtenegger

Arlene Kearns sits at her desk in the activities office.

There are many administrative and support staff in the building and every year there is a staff member of the year award. On Friday Jan. 20 it was announced that Arlene Kearns was the support staff member of the year. Kearns is the activities administrative assistant. She has been at FHN for 23 years. She started in the main office and then transferred to the activities office for eight. 

“I work with a lot of teachers and coaches and we do a lot down here that involves large numbers of students,” Kearns said. “I appreciate the students and the staff and am grateful for the opportunity to work with everyone that I do.” 

Kearns is always willing to drop everything and help a student who has a question or needs guidance. When she heard the news, her initial reaction was being grateful that she was able to work with the staff and students here at FHN. She works with students, teachers and coaches for things about sports or clubs. Whether it is a field trip or just as simple as figuring out your grades and attendance to be on a sports team or to compete in nationals and state whether that be for journalism, drama club, choir, Decca, etc. 

“Overall just nice and treats people in a good way, She is a multitasker and has a really good follow through,” Michael Janes activities director said. “She always has a vision to make our department better, she is the rock of Francis Howell North when it comes to what we take care of.” 

Janes has been working with Kearns for eight years. The activities office is always a revolving door of teachers, students and coaches coming in and out all day. While Kearns may be busy she always has time for others.