The 2023 Prom will take Place on April 21 at Old Hickory Golf Club

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Alumni Hugh Kibrera and Jordan Slusser embrace during the 2022 Prom

Since September, junior class officers and delegates have been planning this year’s prom. This will be hosted on Friday, April 21 from 7-10 p.m. at Old Hickory Golf Club.

“It’s kind of a combination of black tie and dripping in luxury,” junior Class Delegate President Grant Kilen said. “That was what we put out as a poll and that was the overwhelming [choice of the] majority of juniors and seniors who voted in the poll.”

Marissa Heyer is the adviser of the junior class delegates. She has had this date planned since the end of last year, after they finished with the previous prom.

“It’s a very gorgeous setting,” Heyer said. “And we’ve been very happy with the service that they provide.”

This event was a cooperative effort between everyone in the junior class delegates, as there is no section that anyone is assigned to. They plan items like the ticket design to how the music will be played. Tickets will go on sale March 27-30 in the candy hallway for $60.

“We hope it’s a safe and fun environment that people, juniors and seniors, want to come out to have some fun,” Heyer said. “We’ll have photo booths, a DJ, some great food and we look forward to our ticket sales that are coming up.”