Senior Graduation will Take Place on June 3 at the Family Arena

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On June 4, FHN’s 2022 senior class had their graduation ceremony at the family arena. The event featured FHN’s Senior Choir and speeches from Dr. Lammers and other school board staff. Friends and family of the graduates were able to watch as the students walked the stage and received their diploma covers.

As Francis Howell North approaches the end of the year, it also draws nearer to its 35th annual graduation ceremony. This year’s graduation will be held at the Family Arena on June 3. The ceremony will begin at 12:30 p.m. and doors will be open for guests at 11:30 a.m. 

In this ceremony, Vice Principal Dr. Erin Steep will be joined by Senior Class Councilor Lorraine Smith to announce the names of the graduating class. This year, Francis Howell school board members will be handing out diplomas to students in attendance and students will shake the hand of Principal Jeffery Fletcher and take a picture with him during the ceremony. Speakers at graduation are expected to be, but not limited to, Senior Class President Sarah Korte and the graduation marshal, Kristen Johnson. 

“I don’t want my graduation speech to leave people thinking this is the end,” Korte said. “I want my speech to remind everyone that this is just the first of many steps we’re going to have to take in life.”

Senior Class Sponsor Kristen Jobgen has been organizing senior class events, as well as graduation, for roughly 10 years now. As the class sponsor, she sees the importance of graduation, and how this monumental event resonates with the graduating class. 

“Having a graduation ceremony is important because it gives students a chance to say goodbye to school and friends,” Jobgen said. “Recognize their academic growth and accomplishments, and to provide a bridge to their next chapter in life.”