Journalism – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 9-12
A foundation course for those looking to join Publications. This course will teach you the basics of writing and designing for media, as well as media ethics and law. (English credit)
You and the Law – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 11-12
This course will guide students through their basic legal principles, and applicable personal, business, and consumer laws beyond American Government coursework. There is also an opportunity to attend a one-day field trip to the court house to connect learning with real life. (Practical Art credit)
Fashion – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 10-12
Throughout the semester, students will learn all about the fashion industry, studying designers, historical clothing, textiles and careers, as well as doing individual projects. You will supply your own materials and the approximate cost is $30. (Practical Art credit)
Human Relations – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 10-12
Human relations will teach effective communication and decision-making skills, how to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution techniques, self management strategies and family skills. It is a project-based class. (Practical Art credit)
International Cuisine – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: Foods and Nutrition 1, grades 10-12
International Cuisine expands the knowledge and skills learned in Foods and Nutrition I. You will learn about foods, traditions and customs of other cultures as well as your own while making dishes from around the world. (Practical Art credit)
Printmaking 1 – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Intro to Art, grades 10-12
A course that develops technical skills in the use of different printmaking media and procedures. You will explore monoprinting, relief, intaglio, and screen-printing methods to make a variety of textures and styles, as well as discuss the uses of screen printing historically and learn to critique and analyze yours and other artworks. (Fine Art credit)
Hunting and Trapping – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 9-12
Hunting and Trapping will teach basic hunter ethics and tradition, as well as seasons and regulations, safety, proper gun handling and safety and survival skills. This cannot be used as your required physical education credit. (Elective credit only)
Fishing and Recreation – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 9-12
This course will teach basic fishing skills and responsibilities, as well as regulations, identification, types of fishing and casting and boating safety. You will also learn how to use maps and compasses, as well as information about camping, hiking, and archery. This course cannot be used as your physical education requirement. (Elective credit only)
Modern American Culture – 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: None, grades 11-12
This course explores modern American culture and its impact on history. It will provide an introduction to critical issues and an exploration of the various roles of mass-mediated culture in our lives. Primarily you will focus on television, advertising, music, and new technologies and their impact on our daily lives. (Social Studies credit)
PLTW Courses – 1 unit
Project Lead The Way courses are a series of courses that lead into each other. Each of the series is based around a different subject: biomedical science, computer science and engineering. All count for college credit. These courses can give you a more in-depth and hands-on look into different careers in STEM (Biomed earns Science credit, Engineering and Computer earns Practical Art credit)