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Letter From the Editors

Some words of wisdom for FHN attendees in the upcoming school year from the North Star Editors-In-Chief
Letter From the Editors

Today is the first day for everyone, regardless of grade level or faculty status. This is going to be the first time anyone is in the new building while it’s full of students, which means there will be some quirks that will be worked out. Everyone’s going to get lost, be late, wander around confused and most importantly, need help. A brand new building is going to be full of a lot of firsts. There will be first days for everyone from freshmen to seniors: first time stepping into the brand new building, first time attending a football game that’s actually at our school and so many more. Everyone is going to be just as confused as the next person, and there will be many ‘Sorry, I got lost’s. But change is inevitable, and with change comes new experiences and new emotions.

From fear to excitement to (let’s be real) anger, everyone faces different and usually conflicting emotions with getting back to school after an all-too-short summer break. This year is no different, but there is an even more special sense of newness to everything, with the shiny new floors and confusing new staircases, the building will be full of surprises as all of the students and faculty adjust to it. While the old North definitely had its quirks, with its elusive roof pool, exhilarating pipe water floods and random fire alarms, it will still be missed. Everyone who went there had memories and now that’s all it’s ever going to be. Memories. But this isn’t time for wallowing in sadness, nostalgia or boredom. This year is the chance to have so many firsts, and many lasts for seniors on their way out.

It’ll be the first homecoming in this building, The first pep assembly, The first homecoming game, The first All-Knighter, The first graduating class, And the first first day.

Freshmen, you are going to be just as confused as everyone else. Maybe even less confused, with your boost from being able to attend transition day. Don’t think you’ve got the ability to claim you’re head of the school, but don’t be scared to talk to upperclassmen either.

Sophomores, try new things. There’s no reason to be scared of showing up to random club meetings that interest you, trying out for new sports or signing up for different classes. It’s never too late to try new things.

Juniors, learn the building and take in everything you can. This year is the infamous “hardest year of high school,” but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun and prepare yourself to have the run of the school next year.

Seniors, have fun. This is your first and last year in the long-awaited new building, so don’t trash it and mess it up for the next classes to come. Go all out for pep rallies, attend all of the games and do what you can to make this your best year yet. This year, we challenge you to lift others up and make it your best one ever. Ensure that you let joy shine through in every moment, but let yourself do things that scare you as you will come out better on the other side.

Have fun doing things for the last time and be sad about it when those moments are over. Be envious of another person’s things or personality, but instead of dwelling on it, go compliment them. Remember that when you’re anxious about an upcoming test, event or something happening between friends, nothing is permanent. Things will always be changing, and that’s okay. Hold onto what you can, but let go of what you don’t need anymore in search of what’s next.

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