Lots of Pencils
No matter how many pencils you start off the year with, you will run out. Always keep extra pencils inside of your backpack because the last thing you want to happen while you’re sitting in class getting ready to start your biology test and you realize you have no pencil. Your teacher has a strict rule of “bring your own writing utensils” and nobody around you has a spare, making you wish you had prepared better.
Certain classes require certain things, whether it’s a binder or a folder, they will both help you stay organized. Having one binder or folder allotted per class is always recommended.
Hand Sanitizer/Wet Wipes
School is not always the cleanest environment. No matter how many custodians we have, it’s just impossible to get every corn spick and span. Bringing the precautionary hand sanitizer or wet wipes is never a bad idea. Things spill, places are sticky and hands can
get dirty.
Phone Charger
Some classes require an electronic device to do school work. You look up things on your phone and you use canvas and Infinite Campus. You’re on your phone a lot more than you think throughout the school day, even if it’s only for school related things. Bring an extra charger that stays in your backpack so you always know you have one just in case.
Hygiene Bag
Everyone should have a hygiene bag in their backpack. This can be used to hold things like deodorant, hair ties, feminine hygiene products, chapstick, or anything of the sort.