Gravity Falls is a cartoon show that aired on Disney XD from 2012 to 2016. The story follows the pair of twins, Dipper and Mabel, on their crazy adventures in a small town known as Gravity Falls. The biggest appeal this show had was the endless mysteries it left for the viewers to solve on their own.
“I just finished watching it about a month ago,” sophomore Carly Hedrich said. “My friends and social media are always talking about it, so I caved and decided to watch it.”
One of the biggest mysteries left for fans in the story was the status of the main villain, Bill Cipher. The conclusion of Gravity Falls involved an epic two-part special that ended with the protagonists defeating Cipher, a charismatic floating yellow triangle. Even though Cipher was defeated, his ultimate fate was left ambiguous. Fans of the show had no confirmation of what happened to him until eight years after the show ended with the release of “The Book of Bill.”
“The Book of Bill” takes an interesting approach in the way it communicates with the reader. The book is written in a way that depicts Cipher speaking directly to the reader, prompting them to do various things within the book and provide additional lore to the Gravity Falls universe.
“I didn’t even know it was coming out until it was released,” sophomore Leo Swaneui said. “I loved all the random bits and pieces of lore sprinkled throughout the book.”